
Amherst Orchestra Award Program

Students have the opportunity to receive an Orchestra Letter, Orchestra Pin for the Letter, and a Superior Plague based on participation in the orchestra program. Over the course of four years, students earn points that contribute to their total point values. Students will receive their awards during our awards banquet, which is generally our final concert in May.

  • – Orchestra Letter – 22 Points
  • – Orchestra Pin for the Letter – 30 Points
  • – Superior Plaque – 40 Points

To see how many points you have accumulated, be sure to check from your student account. Take note of the last reviewed date, as any points earned after that date are not displayed until the new review period.

National School Orchestra Award

The National School Orchestra Award is the highest honor you can bestow upon a member of the high school orchestra to recognize excellence in playing and contributions to the ensemble. This award recognizes outstanding dedication and superior musicianship and is awarded to only one Amherst Orchestra senior each spring.

Director’s Award for Orchestra

This award is given out to an orchestra member for their leadership, character, and musicianship. Open to grades 9-12th.