Nord Strings


Text book needed for 5th grade Orchestra:

Essential Elements for Orchestra book 1

  • If you lost yours, click the title of the book above to reorder it.


1) Monday, December 5, 2022 – 6:00 p.m. Demonstration Concert, Nord Gym

  • 5th graders will demonstrate the skills learned in their first 8 lessons.
  • This concert is free, and open to the public
  • The performance is short, and will last between 15-25 minutes
  • Students wear solid black bottoms, solid white top

2) Wednesday, May 17, 2023 – 7:00 p.m. Spring Concert, AJH Gym

  • 5th grade and 6th grade orchestras will perform
  • 5th graders will get to hear the 6th grade as well as meet the AJH director, Miss McKee
  • This concert has a $3 admission charge collected at the door.
  • Students wear solid black bottoms, solid white top
  • Performance will last between 40-60 minutes

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